阿拉斯加一隻幼年座頭鯨被一個 300 磅重的捕蟹籠及 450 英尺的重型繩索纏住。被發現時,鯨魚被這些漁具纏住至少三天; 牠的身體向一側彎曲並打圈游動。 救援隊用無人機觀察鯨魚來協助制定救援計劃,透過專業工具及數小時的努力,他們終於剪斷了繩索將鯨魚救出。
A juvenile humpback whale in Alaska was entangled by a 300lb crab pot trap with 450 ft of heavy duty line attached to it. The whale had struggled for at least three days with these fishing gear; its body was bent sharply to the side and it was swimming in circle when found. The rescue team observed the whale with drone to plan their rescue, and with specialized tools and hours of hard work, they were able to cut away the rope to free the whale.