年棄漁具夠繞地球 18 圈

每年有超過 640,000 噸商業漁具包括漁網、魚線、魚鉤等被掉到海裡,這些海洋垃圾足以圍繞地球 18 圈。 鳥類、海龜、鯊魚及海洋哺乳動物等野生動物,會被這些纏住或傷害,造成痛苦及死亡。

Over 640,000 tonnes of commercial fishing gears includes fishing nets, lines, hooks, etc. turned into marine debris each year, enough to wrap around the earth 18 times. Wildlife like birds, sea turtles, sharks and marine mammals become entangled or wounded by these gears, causing suffer and death. 



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