
於巴西發現約5萬年前的古代石器,一直被認為是由人類製造,但原來是屬於卷尾猴的! 這些猴子常被觀察到使用石頭工具來敲開堅果或挖掘等工作。 研究人員將現今卷尾猴製造的工具與那些古老的石器進行比較,兩者俱有驚人的相似度。而且除了這些石器之外,那個遺址並沒有其他大多數人類遺址中常見的動物骨頭、陶器或烹飪場所等痕跡。

The 50000-year-old ancient stone tools found in Brazil once thought to be made by humans, but they were actually made by capuchin monkeys! These monkeys are known to use stone tools for cracking nuts and digging. Researchers compare the tools made by the monkeys today to those ancient stone tools, and they looks surprising similar. beside the stone tools, there were no other evidence like animal bones, pottery or cooking places that were common in most human sites.



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