
巴西是鯊魚肉最大進口國及最大食用國之一,但大多數巴西人並沒意識到他們正在吃鯊魚。鯊魚肉比其他白魚便宜,在學校及醫院食堂都有供應。其中大部分是從哥斯達黎加、中國、烏拉圭及西班牙等國家進口的。研究發現,巴西出售的鯊魚及魔鬼魚中有 83% 是受威脅物種。

Brazil is the top importer and one of the top consumers of shark meats, but most Brazilians don’t realize they are eating sharks. Shark meat is cheaper than other white fish and are served at schools and hospital canteens. Most of them are imported from counties like Costa Rica, china, Uruguay and Spain. Research discovered 83% of the shark and ray sold in Brazil were threatened species.


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