
在澳洲新南威爾斯州,2019-2020的山火導致極度瀕危的斑點樹蛙 (Litoria spenceri) 只餘下約10隻。經過保育團體的努力培育,80隻樹蛙最近被野放到西歐斯可國家公園。這些樹蛙是其他野生動物例如蛇類、鳥類、哺乳類等的重要食糧,牠們的蝌蚪亦會食用河裡的養份及藻類,對當地生態平衡非常重要。

There were only around 10 critically endangered spotted tree frogs In New South Wales, Australia after the wildfires in 2019-2020. with help of breeding programs, 80 spotted tree frogs were released into Kosciuszko National Park. These frogs are very important to the ecosystem; they are food for other wildlife such as snakes, birds and mammals; their tadpoles also help consume nutrients and algae in rivers and streams.


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