入侵物種紅嘴相思鳥與英國當地雀鳥如歐亞鴝及黑頭鶯等,有近似的生活、覓食、唱歌及築巢習慣,這可能對當地鳥類構成威脅。 紅嘴相思鳥原自於亞洲,因寵物貿易被帶到英國,並且被野放到林地及公園,除了英國,紅嘴相思鳥亦是歐洲部份地區如意大利及法國的入侵物種。
Invasive red-billed leiothrix has similar lifestyle, feeding, singing and nesting habits to British birds like robins and blackcaps, and could threaten these native bird population. Red-billed leiothrix is native to Asia, but was brought to the UK as pets. These pet birds were released to the wild to woodland and parks. Beside the UK, red-billed leiothrix is also i an invasive species in some European countries like Italy and France.