瑞典發出獵殺 201隻猞猁的許可證,吸引了數百名狩獵愛好者前往狩獵。瑞典大約有 1450 隻猞猁,該國認為他們只需要870 隻來維持健康的種群數量。多個保育團體表示當地並沒有必要消滅猞猁,因為牠們不會對牲畜或人類構成危險。狩獵活動更會在猞猁皮毛最豐厚的繁殖季節進行,對狩獵愛好者更具吸引力。
Sweden issued licenses to hunters to kill 201 lynx, attracting hundreds of foreign hunters to go for trophy hunt. There are around 1450 lynx across Sweden, and the country argues they only need 870 of them to maintain a healthy population. There is no need to eliminate lynx as they cause no danger to livestock or human. The hunt will take happen during lynx’s breeding season, when their fur is thickest which is more attractive to the hunters.