今年首三個月,斯里蘭卡平均每天就有一隻大象死亡,而有一半都是與人類衝突有關,牠們主要死於槍擊、電圍欄或炸藥餌等。過去60年,當地政府為大象設立了一些保護區,但成效甚微,因這些保護區內沒有足夠資源,導致許多大象餓死。斯里蘭卡有44%的土地同時是人類及大象的棲息地。保育人士估計,如果情況得不到改善,多達 70% 的野生大象可能會死亡。
In the first three months of this year, an elephant died in Sri Lanka everyday in average. Half of the death are related to human-elephant conflict, and they are mainly killed by shooting , electric fences or explosive food baits. In the past 60 years, the government set up some protected areas for the elephants but it is ineffective; many elephant die of starvation in these areas because the lack of resources. Elephant and human inhabit the same landscape of 44% of Sri Lanka. Conservationists estimated up to 70% of wild elephants could die if the situation is not improved.