外來孔雀在美國加州特雷西市的社區到處遊蕩,牠們常在屋頂、圍欄上休息,對房屋、汽車等造成破壞及隨處大便。這些孔雀相信是來自一個廢棄的牧場,牠們開始繁殖並擴散。區內有些家庭開始餵飼孔雀,引來更多孔雀接近人類進入社區。 該市正計劃聘請野生動物機構,以人道的方式將牠們從城市中移除。
Exotic peafowls are roaming around the neighborhood of Tracy, California, perching on roofs and fences, damaging houses, scratching on cars and pooping everywhere. people believe the peafowls came from an abandoned dairy farm and start multiplying. They started to enter the neighborhood when some families began to feed them. The city is planning to hire wildlife service to remove them humanely from their city.