軍事噴氣式飛機及直升機等的噪音污染,對美國科羅拉多州東南部一種特有的蜥蜴(Aspidoscelis neotesselatus)帶來巨大壓力。牠們因此花更多的時間進食及更少的時間移動。因壓力會消耗牠們的能量,所以牠們透過進食更多來維持新陳代謝、身體活動和繁殖等需要的能量水平。
Colorado checkered whiptail is endemic to southeastern Colorado in US. A study discovered the noise pollution from jets and helicopters of the army is causing high stress to these lizards. These lizards spend more time eating and less time moving under these stressful event. They are stress-eating to maintain their energy level for metabolism, physical activity and reproduction.