
庫克灣白鯨只餘下331隻; 牠們是非常著重社交的動物,會依靠聲音來相互溝通。可是阿拉斯加的商業航運在這些白鯨的棲息地製造太多噪音,掩蓋了牠們的叫聲。 這會影響牠們的導航及覓食,並可能錯過一些重要的通信,例如捕食者的警報或母親對孩子的呼叫。 除了商業航運之外,機場、軍事行動、天然氣及石油勘探亦為該區增添其他噪音。

There are only 331 Cook Inlet beluga whales left; they are very social animals and relay on vocal calls to communicate with each other. However, commercial shipping in Alaska is creating too much noise in these belugas’ habitat and mask over their calls. This can affect their navigation and feeding, and could miss some critical communications like predator alarm calls or a mother calling to her calf. beside commercial shipping, the airport, military operation, gas and oil exploration also adding other noise in the area.


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