在英國,保育團體呼籲取消今年夏天為狩獵運動的雀鳥野放,以減少向野生雀鳥傳播禽流感的風險。 每年約有 5700 萬隻雉雞、紅腳石雞及綠頭鴨被圈養,並野放作狩獵用途。 自2021年,這些雀鳥養殖場已爆發了10次禽流感。這些雀鳥一旦被野放,就會與野生雀鳥混雜及互動,造成威脅。
In UK, conservation group is calling to cancel the release of game birds this summer to reduce the spread of avian flu to wild birds. About 57 millions of pheasants, red-legged partridges and mallards are captive-bred for release into the wild for sport hunting every year. There were 10 outbreaks of avian flu in these game birds farm since 2021. once these birds are released, they will mix and interact with the wild bird and put them at risk.