一種極度瀕危的夏威夷旋蜜雀akikiki,可能會被蚊及老鼠所威脅而滅絕。蚊將禽瘧疾傳染給 akikiki;這是一種由入侵蚊子傳到當地的外來疾病。而外來老鼠會捕食akikiki巢裡的蛋,更會食用果實及無脊椎動物,與其他原生鳥類爭奪資源。
A critically endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, akikiki, might be extinct because of mosquitos and rats. mosquitos are passing avian malaria to akikiki; it is a non-native disease spread by invasive mosquitoes. moreover, exotic rats are targeting akikikis’ nest and consuming their eggs. These rats also compete with other native birds for resources by feeding on fruits and invertebrates.