
研究人員估計,每年有 230 萬隻巴塔哥尼亞海馬 (Hippocampus patagonicus) 於巴西南部海岸被意外捕獲。漁民會將這些受保護的海馬於黑市出售作民間療法或護身符之用。研究人員表示,由於打擊非法貿易太困難,重點解決底拖網捕撈的情況可能可減少誤捕問題。

Researchers estimated 2.3 million Patagonian seahorse (Hippocampus patagonicus) were caught accidentally in Brazil’s southern coast each year. fishers then sell these protected seahorses in black market for folk remedies or talismans. Researchers said as it’s too hard to crack the illegal trade, focusing on fixing the situation of bottom trawling may reduce the by-catching problem.


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