裡海是位於歐洲及亞洲之間最大的內陸水域,被五個國家包圍,但由於氣候變遷及人類活動,裡海正在縮小並面臨消失危機。自 1990 年代中期以來,水位下降了 2 米以上,使許多野生動物受到威脅,其中包括 6 種鱘魚及特有的裡海海豹。除了氣候變化之外,另一主要原因是俄羅斯於90年代的建設大量減少了窩瓦河的流入,而窩瓦河曾供應流入裡海80%的淡水。
The Caspian Sea was the largest inland body of water locates between Europe and Asia, surrounding by five countries, but it is shrinking and disappearing due to climate change and human activities. The water level dropped over 2 meters since the mid-1990s, putting many wildlife in danger including 6 sturgeon species and the endemic Caspian seal. Beside climate change, another main cause is that Russia’s has built infrastructures that reduced the water inflow from the Volga River, which used to supply 80% of the freshwater that flows into the Caspian Sea.