南北韓之間的非軍事區,在過去的 70 年裡只受到極少量的人類干擾。最近一項使用無人攝影機進行的研究發現,這片約560 平方英里的土地,已成為 至少6168 種動植物的棲息地,包括中華斑羚、亞洲黑熊及麝等,而當中約 38% 屬瀕危物種。
The demilitarized zone between South and North Korea is undisturbed with only minimal human interference for the past 70 years. A recent study with unmanned cameras discovered this 560-square-mile of land has became home to at least 6168 species of plants and animals including the long-tailed goral, Asiatic black bear and musk deer, and around 38% of them are endangered species.