納米比亞偷獵犀牛的數量正在增加。2022年共有87隻犀牛被殺,包括61隻黑犀牛及26隻白犀牛,差不多是2021 年的兩倍。2022 年記錄到約 259宗偷獵活動,創下當地的新高。黑犀牛是極度瀕危的物種,而白犀牛則屬近危物種。
The number of rhino poaching in Namibia is increasing. In 2022, 87 rhinos were killed including 61 black rhinos and 26 white rhinos. The number was almost double of 2021. There were about 259 poaching activities recorded in 2022 and reached their highest record. Black Rhino is critically endangered and white rhinos is a near threatened species.