
海洋管理協議會(MSC)是最大的永續漁業生態認證標籤。 報告顯示,超過50%MSC認證的吞拿魚是使用集魚裝置捕撈的,這是一種不可持續的捕撈方法,而且誤捕海龜、鯊魚等非目標物種及吞拿魚幼魚的機率高,更常會造成污染。

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is the largest eco-certification for sustainable fisheries. Report shows over 50% of the MSC-certified tuna were caught using fish aggregating devices, which is an unsustainable fishing method with high rates of bycatching non-target species like sea turtles and sharks, as well as juvenile tuna and causing pollution.


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