
為了保護小藍企鵝,澳洲墨爾本菲利普島於2017 年已清除島上所有入侵狐狸。但今年 5 月初,當地農場出現了狐狸的足跡、糞便以及數隻被殺的母雞。 經過兩個月來的設置陷阱、夜間調查及偵查犬的幫助,這只狐狸終於被捕獲。

In order to protect the little blue penguins, Phillip Island in Melbourne Australia cleared out all invasive foxes in 2017. However, foxs footprints and droppings along with a few dead hens appeared on a local farm in early May of this year. after two months of setting up traps, nighttime surveys and the help of detection dog, the fox was finally captured.



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