哥倫比亞非法伐木情況非常嚴重,幾乎一半的木材貿易為非法採伐。 一些被查獲的木材現被用來製作蜂箱,並放置在森林來幫助當地蜜蜂及環境。蜜蜂是野生植物及農作物的重要傳粉媒介,但受到農藥及氣候變遷等威脅。該計畫亦與當地社區合作,推廣森林保育。
Illegal logging is a serious problem in Colombia, with almost half of the timber traded is illegally harvested. Some of the seized timber are now used to build bee hives and place in forest to help bees and the environment. Bees are important pollinators for wild plants and crops, but threatened by pesticides and climate change. This project also works with local communities and promotes forest conservations.