
新加坡一種新發現的蟑螂以寶可夢的「費洛美螂」命名。 這個學名為 Nocticola Pheromosa 的新物種,是由兩位同樣是寶可夢粉絲的昆蟲學家所發表的。很多寶可夢的靈感都來自野生動物,而寶可夢 Pheromosa 的外觀則是基於蟑螂。

A new species of cockroach is named after the Pokémon Pheronmosa. This new species, Nocticola pheromosa, was discovered in Singapore by two entomologists that are fans of Pokémon. It’s known that many Pokémons were inspired inspired by wildlife, and the Pokemon Pheromosa’s appearance is based on a cockroach.


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