
研究人員在澳洲新南威爾斯的 28 個袋熊洞穴外安裝了攝像機,發現有56種動物曾經造訪過這些洞穴,當中包括哺乳類、鳥類及爬行類動物。有的把洞穴當作避難所,有的覓食,或者在裝滿雨水的臨時水池裡喝水、洗澡等。研究員認為,這些洞穴在叢林大火期間也有助於保護野生動物。他們認為保護袋熊,生態系統中的其他物種都會受益。

Researchers set up cameras at 28 wombat burrows in NSW, and discovered 56 animal species including mammals, birds and reptiles had visited these burrows. Some were using them as shelters, some were foraging or drinking water at the temporarily pool filled with rain water. Researches believe these burrows helped protect wildlife during the bushfires as well. They suggest protecting wombats will benefit other species in the ecosystem.


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