澳洲是全球十大砍伐森林最嚴重的國家之一,於2013至2018短短五年期間,昆士蘭州有160萬公頃 (相約14.5個香港的土地面積) 的森林被砍伐,而當中73%是用作養殖及生產牛肉。砍伐除了破壞生態環境,導致大量野生動物失去棲息地及死亡,養殖牛隻製造大量排泄物、化學物等污染,亦危害棲息於大堡礁的海洋生物。
#澳洲是香港主要牛肉進口國之一 #香港的食用牛肉量全球排第三 #不要成為幫兇
Australia is one of the worst 10 countries for deforestation; between 2013-2018, over 1.6 million hectares (around the size of 14.5 Hong Kong land area) of forests were cleared in Queensland in just 5 years; 73% of the clearing was for beef production. Deforestation not only damage the environment and ecosystem, millions of wildlife lose their habitat and die; cattle’s faeces and fertilizers are also causing pollution problems, threatening marine life in the Great Barrier Reef.